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A concealed carry permit, or CCP, plays an essential part in laying a solid foundation for carrying a concealed handgun in your state. In the state of Colorado, you’re required to successfully complete a handgun safety or concealed carry class before applying for your concealed carry permit.

In addition to this requirement, taking a concealed carry class can be beneficial to new and experienced shooters in a multitude of ways. There’s more to know about obtaining a concealed carry license besides just where you’re allowed to carry your firearm. Centennial Gun Club’s Concealed Handgun Permit course was designed to teach both new and experienced shooters the what, where, when, why, and how of carrying a firearm for personal protection through classroom and range-based instruction. 

This course allows you to grasp the full concept of what it means to legally possess a firearm in public and around others. Upon course completion, you’ll be able to walk out of the CGC facility with a new level of comfort and an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of marksmanship, proper holster technique, the parameters of where you can and cannot carry, and the legal aspects of carrying. 

The Instructor

You could likely find a concealed carry permit course at any range or gun store, but in choosing anything but Centennial Gun Club, you would miss out on learning from some of the best instructors who are willing to share their unique experiences. I had the pleasure of working with Joe Cummings as my CHP course instructor at Centennial Gun Club. With over 20 years of experience as a firearms instructor, a 30+ year police career, 10 years on a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team, and more; Joe holds credentials in many areas of the firearms industry. 

Someone with as much experience as Joe is sure to be knowledgeable on the topic, but it’s not the abundance of knowledge that makes him a good instructor. You’ll be able to tell from the first introduction that Joe has a passion for the industry that he’s eager to share, and a willingness to help every student in the classroom learn whether they were a first time shooter like myself or have years of experience. Through telling stories, cracking a few jokes, and taking the extra time to be personable with his students, he not only made the experience educational, but also enjoyable.

In The Classroom and On The Range

The lessons that you’ll learn in the CGC classroom are crucial to how you handle your firearm outside the range. Concealed carry isn’t something that should be taken lightly, and legally carrying a firearm in public can be a controversial topic for many. It’s because of this that the education behind receiving your concealed carry license is so crucial. Centennial Gun Club does a great job of teaching their students everything they need to know when it comes to possessing a firearm in public, and does so with the topic of safety always at the forefront of the lesson. 

The 4 hour course begins by reiterating the safety fundamentals of shooting and breaks down the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship. These are both important aspects in any firearm education course, and are incorporated into any class that you will take here at Centennial Gun Club. 

After going over the safety essentials, your instructor will dive into topics like holster draw technique, the basics of Colorado gun laws, give a breakdown on where you are legally allowed to conceal and carry, discuss local regulations and best practices, and give an hour of range time for shooting and holster drills.

concealed carry permit
concealed carry permit

The Legalities

Every encounter that you might have while carrying a firearm in public is different from the next. It’s important to know your rights and have a full understanding of the laws and regulations not only in your state, but as well as in the city you are choosing to carry. While the state might have one law in place, it’s important to understand that the local government can still prohibit the sale, purchase, transfer, or possession of a firearm and prohibit you from carrying a concealed handgun in a specific area within their control. 

This course does an exceptional job of integrating different scenarios and examples to emphasize the many legal aspects that come with a concealed carry permit and possessing a firearm for protection. At the end of the classroom portion of CHP, students are introduced to Mike Rollin, a former police sergeant, current law enforcement academy instructor, and lawyer with a deep knowledge of criminal, constitutional, and use-of-force law. Mike opens the floor to students allowing them to ask any legal questions they may have regarding concealed carry and discusses Centennial Gun Club’s partnership with Right To Bear

The Experience

As a first time shooter looking to conceal and carry in the future, this course was helpful to me in many ways. It not only prioritizes the safety of students but also those around them, and it aims to teach you that just because you are carrying a firearm for protection doesn’t mean you always have to be quick to use it. Concealed carry is your right as a U.S. citizen, but it’s important to fully assess a situation before making the detrimental decision to apply it where you may feel that your safety is at risk.

While this course might seem like a chore to those who feel that they know everything they need to know when it comes to the firearms industry, it’s important to remember that industry laws are always changing. No amount of knowledge is too much and there’s always more to learn especially when it comes to firearms. The more knowledge you obtain, the safer you are and the more peace of mind you’ll have. Concealed Handgun Permit exceeds the industry standards for concealed carry education. With its knowledgeable instructors, safe environment, and friendly community of shooters of all demographics, you will be receiving the very best education in your time here. 

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