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Tactical Hyve Hosted Classes

Low Light Pistol

May 24 | 9AM-4PM

Low-Light Pistol is designed for intermediate to advanced shooters who want to learn how to shoot and manipulate a pistol properly in challenging low-light conditions. By the end of the class, you’ll better understand your weapon system, be more confident with your pistol, have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, and have the know-how to practice the skills you learn on your own.
What topics are covered?
  • Selecting the proper handheld and/or weapon-mounted lighting system
  • Demonstration and application of various low-light techniques
  • Effective search and target identification
  • Low–light tactics 
  • Weapon maneuvering with pistol and light
  • Dry and live fire drills utilizing weapon-mounted lights and alternative light techniques

Note: You will sign up directly on the Tactical Hyve Website

Force on Force Scenarios

May 25-26 | 9AM-4PM

This is a reality-based class designed to introduce and train students in the physiological and psychological conditions experienced during a gunfight. This course utilizes actual firearms that have been converted to fire non-lethal training rounds against role players to immerse the student in scenario-based encounters that will provide stress-inoculation and increase both confidence and ability in the event of an actual use-of-force.

What topics are covered?
  • Real-world safety
  • Weapon handling in and out of the home
  • Introduction and familiarization with non-lethal weapon systems
  • Pre-force planning
  • Stress effects on the body/operating under stress
  • Threat anatomy
  • Shot placement and the reality of “stopping power.”
  • Critical target selection/point of aim
  • Human anatomy as it applies to the use of force
  • Concealment clothing/drawing from concealment
  • Close quarters shooting
  • Defensive and offensive movement
  • Threat avoidance
  • Confronting and recognizing the threat
  • Pre-assault indicators
  • Use-of-force decision-making (shoot/don’t shoot)
  • Considerations for after a use-of-force and contact with law enforcement

Note: You will sign up directly on the Tactical Hyve Website

What Participants Say About Our Classes 

“So far my experience with Centennial Gun Club has been superb!! Looking forward to shedding off some rust and improving skills. I want to keep advancing thru your courses.”

– Dean S.

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