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  • Handgun – 21 yrs old
  • Long gun – 18 yrs old
  • Minor – must be accompanied by an adult who is 21 yrs old.
  • Minors must be at least 10 yrs old.


1. All firearms must be holstered or cased while going to or from the range.  NEVER handle un-cased or un-holstered firearms behind the firing line.

2. Always keep firearms pointed down range and in a safe direction.  NEVER turn around in the booth while holding a firearm.  Never point (muzzle) the firearm toward yourself, another person, the ceiling, range or shooting booth walls.  Never for ANY REASON leave your booth with an un-cased or un-holstered firearm!

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

4. Never cross the RED firing line for any reason.  Do not attempt to retrieve anything that falls in front of the firing line.  If you lose a piece of equipment, ask the RSO for assistance.

5. If you observe any unsafe behavior or condition by anyone, report it to a Range Safety Officer immediately.

6. Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to fire.  Consider every firearm as “loaded” and treat it as such.

7. Eye and ear protection MUST be put on before entering the range and worn at all times while inside.

8. Upon the command “CEASE FIRE”, stop all shooting immediately, put down your firearm and back away from the firing line.  Do NOT re-approach the firing line or pick up your firearm until the “All Clear” signal is given.

9. For any firearm or ammunition problem, (such as a squib or hang fire) keep the gun pointed down range, do not set the gun down, remain in your booth, signal a Range Safety Officer for assistance by raising your non-shooting hand.

10. Use only the correct ammunition for your firearm.  CGC does not permit STEEL CORE, STEEL SHOT, BIRD SHOT, TRACER or ARMOR PIERCING ammunition.  CGC does not permit MUZZLE-LOADERS or Black Powder.

11. If you brought more than one firearm, we recommend that you use only one at a time.  This will reduce the chance of loading the wrong ammunition.

12. Know and understand the operating mechanism and safety features of your firearm.

13. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.

14. No food, drink, gum or tobacco is permitted inside the range.  Wash your hands each time you leave the range and before smoking, eating or drinking.

15. Shooters who desire to shoot handguns from the holster must be “HOLSTER QUALIFIED”.

16. Shooters may collect their brass behind the firing line once they have unloaded and cased their firearm and are ready to leave the range.  Inform the RSO at the beginning of your session that you would like to keep your brass.

Act responsibly at all times.  Foul language, horseplay or any other unsafe activity will not be tolerated.  If we observe an unsafe act we will help you understand what you did and work with you to learn the correct safety procedures.  If you repeat or commit another unsafe act, you may be asked to leave the range and meet with the Chief RSO.  If you appear to be impaired (such as under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription medication), you will be evaluated by the RSO; you may be asked to leave the range.  The safety of everyone is a primary goal of Centennial Gun Club.  We want you to enjoy shooting and will work with anyone who wants the same.

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